How Much is Lack of Structure Holding Your Team Back?

Leaders with a get-things-done mentality excel at scoring early business success. They have a rare gift to inspire and create the momentum that small teams need to get new products and services to market.

The challenge comes when it's time to take that initial success to the next level. How do you maintain the momentum that led to initial success? How do you keep the team engaged and hungry for more? How do you grow a team without losing that uniqueness that gave you a competitive edge?

My Approach

I typically join companies as an interim CEO or the right hand to a creative leadership team for 3 to 6 months to assess the company situation, spot mis-alignments, and embed changes to improve the way of working.

I break down my approach into 3 phases. And while I prefer projects in which I execute all three, I also step in to deliver any of the phases as a standalone project.


Strategic Planning

The goal of the assessment is to spot any friction points or misalignments that are holding the team back.

I review your current strategy and talk with key team members to get a feel of the business. Then I facilitate a workshop for the leadership team to present my findings and prioritize improvement opportunities.

Focus points

  • Business strategy

  • Organization structure

  • Strategic roadmap


Way of Working

The goal is to clarify what needs to change within the team to improve the execution of your business strategy.

Following up on the priorities from the Strategy Assessment, I define improvements to governance, roles, processes, and tools and facilitate workshops to fine-tune and align on how to embed the changes within the team.

Focus points

  • Team governance

  • Roles & processes

  • Tools & automations


Performance Management

The goal is to embed a systematic approach to developing employees and improving business results.

Following up on the Team Blueprint, I oversee the planning & reporting rhythm and employee development plans until the team runs smoothly and leadership gets the insights on which to base strategic and tactical decisions.

Focus points

  • Employee development plans

  • Performance dashboards

  • Planning & delivery rhythm

“Ángel’s branding and team management insights brought new energy and ideas to our scrum teams. I believe he will be a key asset for any organization, specially those looking to redesign teams to perform in the digital world.”

Matthijs Geuzinge
COO at The Mobile Company

“After 3 years of running to get Meet jack to market, it was a relief to have Ángel guide me through the process of designing our marketing team. Boost of energy to see how small changes had such a positive impact on our marketing results.”

Marjolein Pleune
Co-Founder of Meet Jack

“I liked the structure. The roadmap we built with concrete milestones made it easy to plan the next steps and understand the resources that I would need in each phase to set my team up for success.”

Carol da Diva
Director of The Bridge @ Green School

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90-minute Strategy Session

Not sure whether you are ready for an all-out project but feel you could use a fresh pair of eyes to challenge your strategy?

In a 90-minute session, I will identify your blindspots and challenge you on the clarity of your strategic plan.

Book a Session